Thursday 4 October 2012

Max the protector...

I have not seen anything like this... and I would really love to hear if any of you have...

Dad's eldest work dog Max was fascinated with H on the weekend. Max has also done it with another little boy who lives nearby and Mum was curious to see if he did the same thing with H. 

Well.... he did...

As you can see from the photos he nuzzled up to him and followed him everywhere. To the point it was like he was herding him... steering him away from stairs and walking in front of him all the time as if to protect him. It was amazing to watch and H was very good humoured about it all....

It was very sweet and endearing. But, as cute as it was, I would never take my eyes off them as it only takes a split second for a well intentioned action from either child or dog for it to end in tears or worse...

But despite my protective instincts... how damn cute is it!?... Jx

I would love to hear if any of you have a dog that does this?... and... has well intentioned attention from said dog ever turned aggressive?... Jx

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