Saturday 23 March 2013

The job of maintaining oneself...

Yesterday I had a haircut for the second time since H was born (he is now 20 months old)... I have very boring, straight, dark brown hair that luckily doesn't need colouring so it is very low maintenance as hair goes...

Having said that I was mortified when I saw the look on my hairdressers face at the condition of my hair... which was nothing short of dismal. It was lank, lifeless, straggly, all one length and constantly tied up. He was polite about it and we had a joke but I was, in no uncertain terms, told my hair was terrible.

4 inches and many layers later I felt... and looked like a new woman! I felt so much lighter walking out of there and feel like I look the best I have in AGES!! (even Hubby agrees) Which is such a lovely feeling and not at all overrated... so good for the soul and self esteem.

I find hair, makeup, waxing and shaving all have a knock on effect. For me, I found the worst my hair got the more I dragged it up and back (so much easier when chasing after a toddler) which then looked awful so you think to yourself... what good will makeup do?... So you don't put any on etc, etc. You can see my pattern. Needless to say I have been getting around looking like something the cat dragged in...

Well... I am here on in endeavouring to invest more time and energy in the job of maintaining myself. I have already booked my next haircut. I'm off to book my eyebrow appointment and will try and put a bit of a face on more than I have been.

So... if you are at all like me, I urge you to spend a little more time on yourself as I promise you'll feel a million dollars afterwards. ... and couldn't we all do with a bit of that!?


P.S I know this is a relatively trivial issue in light of all the many things we face in our daily lives... but isn't it nice to focus on the fun things sometimes?

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